The following infographics have been developed to assist you to further your understanding of the practice of art therapy.
How Does Art Therapy Work
Ever wondered how art therapy works? Here are some core therapeutic factors of art therapy:
- Immersing in sensory and kinaesthetic interactions with art materials.
- Art making facilitating meaning-making and yielding insights.
- Externalising inner thoughts and feelings that are difficult to verbalise.
- Being witnessed, co-regulated and supported by an attuned art therapist.
- Finding flow and mindfulness in the present moment through creativity.
- Engaging in creative risk taking through experimenting with different art media and art making activities.
Art Therapy vs Talk Therapy
What are the similarities and differences between talk therapy and art therapy? And is one better than the other? On a personal level, as someone who have went through my own healing journey using art, I have also benefited significantly from talk therapy over the years. On a professional level, I have worked within interdisciplinary clinical settings and witnessed clients benefiting from the complementary nature of both talk therapy and art therapy. Ultimately, putting the client’s therapeutic needs first; providing them with authenticity and unconditional positive regard; and ensuring safety are fundamental across any therapeutic approaches.
Art Therapy vs Art Class
Art therapy can often be mistaken as being similar to an art class. Especially when working with children, I sometimes have disappointed parents wondering why their child is not practicing a particular artistic technique, or learning about famous paintings. The table below outlines the key distinctions between art therapy and art class. So if your only goal is to improve your artistic skill, then art therapy may not be right for you.
Demystifying Art Therapy
When I tell people that I am an Art Therapist, one of the most common responses I get is “so do you interpret people’s drawings?” The answer is no. An art therapist’s role is to foster a safe space for the client to create, reflect and generate insights that may emerge from the artwork, the process, and/or the dialogue with the therapist. In light of the many common myths about art therapy, I have created a this “Demystifying art therapy” series, hoping to share with the world what art therapy is all about.